Wednesday, April 29, 2009

How it all began.......

Rachel Lynn was born on October 28, 2008 at 10:22 pm. She was delivered via emergency c section due to Mommy's high blood pressure and the fact that she had had an eclamptic seizure and both Rachel and Mommy's lives were on the line. We truly had a guardian angel watching over us, as Rachel was delivered small and healthy, never needing assistance to breathe or eat, and having no major health issues. Mommy took a long time to recover but so far has had no more problems. At birth Rachel was 5 lb 5 oz and 18 inches long. Mommy had to have a general anesthesia and was not awake for Rachel's birth. But they kept Rachel in the room with Mommy, and as soon as she came to she was able to reach out and touch her sweet baby girl and reported to Daddy that "She felt pretty." :) We are truly blessed to have our health and such a wonderful little lady!
Well Rachel has awoken from her nap, so it's time to sign off for today! Enjoy!

Here we are, 6 months in!

I will try to keep up with this blogging a couple times a week to keep everyone posted on the goings on in our lives. Here are some pictures snapped on her 6 month birthday!

Hi Everyone! Rachel Lynn is six months old as of yesterday. We have come so far!! My little 5 lb 5 oz baby girl is now almost 13 pounds and finally outgrowing her 0 to 3 months clothes. Her daddy and I couldn't be prouder :) She is rolling over both ways, loves to "stand" with our help, and is finally sitting up by herself for as long as a minute at a time. Woo hoo for baby girl!